Item set
Skuteczne pociski, "Effective missiles"
Anti-Semitic political cartoon from the interwar period in Poland -
Żydowska ziemia obiecana, “Jewish Promised Land”
Anti-Semitic political cartoon from the interwar period in Poland -
Recepta na kryzys, “A recipe for crisis”
Anti-Semitic political cartoon in the Polish right wing press from the interwar period -
W Lasach Polskich, "Tales of the Polish Forest"
Jewish book cover from the interwar period -
Cud nad Wisłą, "Battle of Warsaw" Painting
Painting of one of the most famous battles in Polish history: The Battle of Warsaw -
Tajemnica Panny Brinx, "Miss Brinx's Secret"
Polish Film Cover -
Red Cross Advertisement
Advertisement for Polish youth to join the Polish Red Cross -
Jubileuszowy Zlot, "Jubilee Rally"
Advertisement for a celebration rally for the Polish Scouts -
Sprawy Nauczycielske, "Teaching Matters"
Polish poster promoting education