General Tectonic Comparison, MOR, OI, CM. DeBarba, Scheland


General Tectonic Comparison, MOR, OI, CM. DeBarba, Scheland
MORBs are generated at Mid-Ocean Ridge divergent margins. Decompression melting dominates this region. MORBs are sub-alkaline and tholeiitic in composition, with depleted sources which undergo some alteration.

OIBs are formed on intraplate hotspot islands. Melting occurs in this area because of a rise in temperature at constant pressure. OIBs have an alkaline composition.

Convergent Margins are when two plates converge and one subducts. The subducting plate releases volatiles into the mantle system, allowing melt to occur. Rocks sourced from convergent margins are sub-alkaline and calc-alkaline in composition, with an overall evolved, diverse melt source.
William DeBarba, Cullen Scheland
Tamara Carley (

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