Convergent Setting: Lesser Antilles


Convergent Setting: Lesser Antilles
Geochemical Plots for the Lesser Antilles. Includes REE plot, ternary diagram, and multiple Harker diagrams. Some files contain more detailed interpretations and explanations for the data.

In general the harper diagrams reveal that K, Na, and Al remain as a liquid until later stages of the melts crystallization, as indicative by increasing weight percentages occurring coeval to increasing weight percentages of the control SiO2 group.

In contrast, Fe, Ca, Ti, and P2O5 decrease in weight percentage as the melt progresses, as expected for elements with higher electronegativity and smaller atomic radii.

The shape of the alkali vs SiO2 graph is similar to that of the alkali vs SiO2 graph for the Cascade Volcanic Arc, which is in fact expected for most melts in the world, due to the incompatibility of alkalis, but what is particularly interesting is the similarity of the spread of the data in both cases.
Collin Owen
Tamara Carley

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