Thin Section: IETHb-1


Thin Section: IETHb-1
This thin section contains feldspar phenocrysts surrounded by a matrix of feldspar and olivine microlite crystals. Many of the feldspars exhibit quality examples of twinning. Simple, tartain plaid, and Carlsbad twinning can be observed. The igneous textures indicate that the cooling process was initially slow, but cooled rapidly in an eruption to create this porphyritic texture. Throughout the sample there are areas full of volcanic glass with a holohyaline texture. The magma itself was not at equilibrium with the phenocrysts frozen inside, which can be seen through crystals with multiple embayments. An embayment occurs when the magma dissolves a phenocryst by corroding it from the outside faces into the inner parts of the crystal. Compositionally, the magma appears to be mafic, but has varying bands of minerals depending on the location within the thin section.
Igneous Rock
Tamara Carley

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