Rhyolite: Laf124


Rhyolite: Laf124
Hand Sample: This is rock contains many small to medium sized diverse crystal with a brick-colored groundmass. 40% of the crystals are white plagioclase, 5%-10% of them are pink alkali feldspar,20% of them are quartz (most of them are medium sized), and 5% of the them are black augite (most of them are in very small pieces).

Thin Section: From the thin section we can see a vitrophyric texture. The felty groundmass is consisted of mostly volcanic glass.There are mainly two kinds of phenocrysts. One of them is a xenolith(a).The other type of phenocrysts are equigranular ang also have an embayed texture(b). The phenocrysts (1) are mostly(95%) quartz, because they have a low birefringence color and some display undulatory extinction. (2) maybe a hematite, because of its reddish color in both PPL and XPL. There is only one hematite crystal in this thin section. because it has a very high relief and displays parallel extinction. There are also some(1%-2%) hornblende inclusion in in the quartz phenocryst(3).

Life History: This rock cooled slowly undergroud for a while, then it was brought to a new compositional environment, which is why the crystal are dissolving.

Location: Unknown
Tamara Carley

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