

Mineral class: framework silicate
Formula: SiO2

Observed Identifying Properties:
PPL: (1) no cleavage; (2) Low relief; (3) Color: colorless; (4) Pleochroism: none.
XPL: (1) Inclined extinction (35∘) & Undulatory extinction (displayed by deformed quartz); (2) Birefringence color: low-order.

Mineral Identification:
Hand sample: (1) Habit: crystalline/druse; (2) Cleavage: none; (3) Luster: vitreous; (4) Hardness: 7
PPL: (1) Relief: low positive; (2) Color/Pleochroism: none.
XPL: (1) Extinction: inclined extinction (about 35∘); (2) Birefringence: very low, grey/white.

“Quartz is a very common mineral found in a wide variey of geological environments. It is abundant in felsic to intermediate intrusive and extrusive igneous rock, and my be found in small amount in volcanic equivalents. In metamorphic rocks it is sbundant in slate, phyllite, schist, gneiss, and quartzite of various types. Because it is stable in the weathering environment, quartz is a major constituent in many clastic sedimentary rocks and may serve as a cementing agent. Hydrothermal vein and replacement deposits typically contain quartz as a gangue mineral, often in the form of crystals, or as microcrystalline and massive varieties.” (Nesse, 2012)
Tamara Carley

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