Reincarnation cycle of Buddha
Reincarnation cycle of Buddha
Reincarnation is the theory or belief that human beings are born into the physical body, not just once, but multiple times. In many religions and teachings, it includes being born into animal bodies, but in others, such as in theosophy, only in human forms.
Belief in reincarnation is an ancient one. In the East, it is an integral part of Hindu philosophy and religion, and may be found in the Laws of Manu, Bhagavad Gita, the Upanisads, Puranasand even in the earliest of the Vedas, the Rig Veda. It is also called Samsara or the cycle of birth and rebirth from which every aspirant seeks release to attain liberation or Moksha. The cause of such return is trishna? Or thirst due to attachment to people and things. Buddhist belief, despite the fact that Buddhism denies the existence of an enduring Self orAtman. The reincarnating entity is composed of Skandhas or aggregates which are manifested from life to life.
Reincarnation cycle of Buddha