100 Patriotic Poems 075 This card reads:君が代を思ふ心のひとすぢに吾が身ありとはおもはざりけりSelf and familyーWhat are they? All my thought is Of His Majesty,And how to answer to His Grand Will. Naught know I but this.English translation by: Honda, Heihachiro
100 Patriotic Poems 074 This card reads:大君の宮敷きましし橿原のうねびの山の古おもほゆThe olden times farOff i recall, as I hereAt KashiharaStand, where the first EmperorDid his stately palace rear.English translation by: Honda, Heihachiro
100 Patriotic Poems 073 This card reads:大君のためには何か惜しからむ薩摩のせとに身は沈むともO what do I care,Could I serve His Majesty,Even though I ne'er Shall live on, and my corpse lie Deep in the Satsuma Sea?English translation by: Honda, Heihachiro
100 Patriotic Poems 072 This card reads:君がため花と散りにしますらをに見せばやと思ふ御代の春かなO that I could tellOf these peaceful times to you Noble men who fell(As brave cherry-flowers do,)For the Sovereign great and true.English translation by: Honda, Heihachiro
100 Patriotic Poems 071 This card reads:わが國はいともたふとし天地の神の祭をまつりごとにてOur country is worthMan's awe. For the Gods that ruleIn Heaven and EarthTo reverence is the wholeBase of government and goal.English translation by: Honda, Heihachiro
100 Patriotic Poems 070 This card reads:かきくらすあめりか人に天つ日のかがやく邦のてぶり見せばやLike dark rain-clouds youAmericans haughtilyCome. Be off, or rueYou will. For we are too highLike the bright sun in the sky.English translation by: Honda, Heihachiro
100 Patriotic Poems 069 This card reads:安見ししわが大君のしきませる御国ゆたかに春は来にけりTo this peaceful realmBlest by His Majesty's rule,Oh! Joy both o'erwhelmMe to think spring is come full Of bliss, and so beautiful.English translation by: Honda, Heihachiro
100 Patriotic Poems 068 This card reads:一方に靡きそろひて花すゝき風吹く時ぞみだれざりけるAll together blownIn one direction, you shakeIn good shape as one,On this windy day and bleak,Flow'ring Eulalia though weak!English translation by: Honda, Heihachiro
100 Patriotic Poems 067 This card reads:青海原潮の八百重の八十國につぎてひろめよ此の正道をO spread far and wideThe Way of Shinto so true,So that we may guideThose ignorant peoples whoLive beyond the oceans blue.English translation by: Honda, Heihachiro
100 Patriotic Poems 066 This card reads:大日本神代ゆかけて傳へつる雄々しき道ぞたゆみあらすなKnow ye the God's WayIs a way grand and supremeFrom times far awayHanded down? So do esteemThis Way, and ne'er it blaspheme!English translation by: Honda, Heihachiro
100 Patriotic Poems 065 This card reads:遠つ祖の身によろひたる緋縅の面影浮かぶ木々のもみぢ葉Beautiful are ye,Tree-leaves that stand out so bright!You do remind me Of my ancestor for fightClad in his red armour tight.English translation by: Honda, Heihachiro
100 Patriotic Poems 064 This card reads:かけまくも あやに畏きすめらぎの神のみ民とあるが楽しさHow happy to beA subject in this blest landOf His Majesty!He's a living god It's grandTo be under his command.English translation by: Honda, Heihachiro
100 Patriotic Poems 063 This card reads:香具山の尾上に立ちて見渡せば大和國原早苗とるなりStanding on the HillOf Kaguyama, as IO'erlook the fields still,Many peasants I descryPlanting rice-sprouts busily.English translation by: Honda, Heihachiro
100 Patriotic Poems 062 This card reads:八束穂の瑞穂の上に千五百秋国の秀見せて照れる月かもOver the plain richWith long ears of rice-plants, lo!The moon shines bright, which Is a good omen I know,Prosperous and happy so.English translation by: Honda, Heihachiro
100 Patriotic Poems 061 This card reads:初春の初日かがよふ神国の神のみかげをあふげ諸The sun rises brightOn this happy New Year's Day.Lo! Spring is in sightClad in fresh comely arrayーHow merciful the God's sway!English translation by: Honda, Heihachiro
100 Patriotic Poems 060 THis card reads:しきしまのやまと心を人とはば朝日ににほふ山ざくら花Of Yamato IslesShould aliens ask the soul rare,I, wond'ring the whiles,Will point to the cherries fair,Bright in the morn's sunlit air.English translation by: Honda, Heihachiro
100 Patriotic Poems 059 This card reads:あし原やこの國ぶりの言の葉に栄ゆる御代の聲ぞ聞ゆるLo! In poetryPeculiar to our land dearVoices loud and highof the gay people we hear.How blest are we who live here!English translation by: Honda, Heihachiro
100 Patriotic Poems 058 This card reads:我を我としろしめすかやすべらぎの玉のみ聲のかかる嬉しさI am happy. JustThink I, a subject obscure,Should hear the augustVoice! Oh, how blest, to be sure,The grand notice to secure!English translation by: Honda, Heihachiro
100 Patriotic Poems 057 This card reads:千代ふりし書もしるさず海の國のまもりの道は我ひとり見きEven in scrolls old Tarnished by Time's callous hand'Tis not writ nor told.I alone know the way grandTo defend our sea-girt land.English translation by: Honda, Heihachiro
100 Patriotic Poems 056 This car reads:天の原てる日にちかき富士の嶺に今も神代の雪は残れりーSo high that the sun Seems to be shining close by,There's the peak, and onIts brow fair, serene and high Remains the snow Gods saw lie.English translation by: Honda, Heihachiro
100 Patriotic Poems 055 This card reads:すめ神の天降りましける日向なる高千穂の嶽やまず霞むらむMt. Takachiho In Himuka Province, whereThe grand MikotoDescended, shall be wrapped e'erBy first spring haze every year.English translation by: Honda, Heihachiro
100 Patriotic Poems 054 This card reads:もののふの兜に立つる鍬形のながめ柏は見れどあかずけりNo one can tired be Of looking at the oak high,Which resembles the Brave helmet-front fineryWorn by the good Samurai.English translation by: Honda, Heihachiro
100 Patriotic Poems 053 This card reads:大御田の水泡も泥もかきたれてとるや早苗は我が君の為Look at the farmers Dripping with mud spattered highAmid rain's murmurs.Planting rice, they their work ply,ーThis, too, for His Majesty.English translation by: Honda, Heihachiro
100 Patriotic Poems 052 This card reads:ふみわけよ日本にはあらぬ唐鳥の跡をみるのみ人の道かはO clear your own track!Is it what you've but to doTo trace the opaqueSteps of China's birds to youStrange who live in Yamato?English translation by: Honda, Heihachiro
100 Patriotic Poems 051 This card reads:行く川の清き流れにおのづから心の水もかよひてぞすむO Stream! CrystalineThy water that laps thy shore.To make me divine Thou seem'st, and to flow and pourInto my heart's very core.English translation by: Honda, Heihachiro