Man drinking Mate by truck.
This photograph features a man, dressed rather nicely, sitting next to a large truck, presumably driving, drinking mate that he has heated up using a gas tank (garafa) of some sort during a break.
Isabel Sarli y un viaje exótico
(Isabel Sarli and an exotic trip)
Newspaper article in the Argentinian newspaper La Opinión, about actress Isabel Sarli's recent travels and work in North America, Europe, and 'exotic' places all over Asia. Features a photo of her drinking yerba mate on the Great Wall of China.
The article also profiles her future movie work, ("Flor Tetis de Gambetta", and "Sí, soy latina, mi amor")
El papa acepta un sorbo de mate ofrecido por los jóvenes (The Pope accepts a sip of mate offered by some young people)
Imagen del papa tomando mate en la avenida 9 de Julio (Image of the pope drinking mate on the agenda 9 de Julio)
Menu for the ship S. S. Uruguay
The menu is written in English and includes an illustration of a gaucho on the cover drinking mate and inside another illustration of Paolistas "soldiers of the East Bank of the silver" drinking mate. The menu itself does not include mate.
Folleto de yerba mate [Yerba Mate Brochure]
A brochure for the exhibit titled "Mateando se conoce de dónde somos" ["Drinking Mate We Know Where We Are From"], distributed by la Municipalidad de las Flores and the Secretaría de Bienestar Social y Cultura . The brochure details the history of drinking mate as a cultural practice, including a list of relevant mate vocabulary.
Breve historia del mate en diario argentino [Brief History of Mate in an Argentine Newspaper]
A short article published in the Argentine newspaper La Nación detailing the history of mate in South America. Images of aristocrats and gauchos drinking mate are included.
Fotografías de adultos tomando mate [Photographs of Adults Drinking Mate]
Two black and white photographs of an elderly woman sitting next to a man in a rural setting. In the first image, she pours mate into a gourd. In the second image, she hands the gourd to the man beside her.
La abuela nacional [The National Grandmother]
Black and white photograph of a 130-year-old woman drinking mate with a brief description highlighting her family history.
Tiempos en que los mates se hacían por encargo [Times in which Mates were Made to Order]
An article in the Argentine newspaper Clarín describing how gourds were custom ordered and designed in the nineteenth century.
Disminución del consumo de la yerba mate [A Decline in the Consumption of Yerba Mate]
A short article published in the Argentine newspaper Clarín describing a decline in the consumption of certain food items, including yerba mate. The article attributes decreasing consumption patterns to national economic policies.
Campaña de la yerba mate argentina en Taiwan [Campaign for Argentine Yerba Mate in Taiwan]
A newspaper article about a publicity campaign promoting the consumption of Argentine yerba mate in China and Taiwan. The article contains content in Spanish and Chinese.
Nuevo envase de Taragüí [Taragüí's New Packaging]
A Taragüí advertisement for the Argentine brand's packaging of yerba mate in a tin, emphasizing the new container's abilities to preserve the taste and protect the purity of the yerba. Includes instructions for using the tin.
Tomá otro mate [Drink Another Mate]
Advertisement created by the Aguila brand. Features individuals gathered together playing cards, emphasizing this brand's superior quality and taste as the reason to drink another mate.
Un energizante natural [A Natural Energizer]
Magazine advertisement describing yerba mate as the only natural energizer, that stimulates mind and body, that one ever needs to have on hand.
El estimulante más sano [The Healthiest Stimulant]
Advertisement created by the Comité de Propaganda del Consumo de la Yerba Mate marketing yerba mate as a healthy stimulant. The back features recipes for foods and drinks made with yerba mate.
Anuncio sobre la IV feria de anticuarios y decoradores [Advertisement about the IV Antiques and Decorators Fair]
A newspaper advertisement about the Antiques and Decorators fair picturing a gourd and bombilla. Organized by the Asociación Amigos del Museo de Bellas Artes Nacional.
Anuncio de Ollantay [Ollantay Advertisement]
An advertisement for yerba mate infused with aromatic herbs of the Argentine brand Ollantay.
Paquete de Ñande Gente [Ñande Gente Packaging]
Argentine yerba mate packaging label of the Ñande Gente brand.
Anuncio de Vitherba [Advertisment for Vitherba]
A Vitherba advertisement emphasizing this brand of yerba mate's antacid, digestive, and antihepatotoxicity health benefits.
¿Una Provincia diferente? [A Different Province]
Advertisement pertaining to local production of yerba mate referencing socio-economic benefits of yerba mate industry. Features an image of a toucan leaning against a yerba mate package.
Paquete de Yerba Salus [Yerba Salus Packaging]
Argentine yerba mate packaging label of the Yerba Salus brand.
Yerba mate en saquitos [Yerba Mate in a Teabag]
Complementary individually packaged Argentine yerba mate with preparation instructions on the back from the Comité de Propaganda del Consumo de la Yerba Mate.