Ritual Changes in the Modern World

Three men drinking Yerba Mate

In this image, we have an interesting look at which rituals did and did not survive the transition to the modern world. Although these men are in a group, two of them appear to have mates and two of them have a thermos. Due to the thermos being in the image, one can speculate that they are not in an area that can heat the water easily. Having the thermos allows the consumers to bring the ceremony away from the living room, opting for a more travel-oriented ceremony, which fits the modernization of travel in Chile. This is a direct example of one of the changes in rituals for the preparation of Yerba Mate. Also, both of the men are drinking from their mates at the same time. This is another direct example of how the modernization of Chile has affected the rituals that come with drinking mate. However, one ritual that is clearly still around is the communal aspect to the activity. Yes, they are drinking from separate mates, but they are still drinking together, sharing the experience with each other, a ritual that is still as strong as ever.

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