Letter from Charlie Brooks, Jr to Keith Brooks dated March 3rd 1981 This is a letter from Charlie Brooks to his son Keith Brooks, thanking him for coming to visit him in prison. He also talks about how Keith should contact Mrs.Robertson to see if Keith’s parole is being considered.
Letter from Charlie Brooks Jr. to Keith Brooks, Dated August 23, 1980 This was a letter from Charlie Brooks Jr. to his son, Keith on August 23, 1980. Charlie is asking his son in a concerned matter why he has not answered his letter yet. Charlie also mentions the visit he discussed with his son in the previously letter dated August 12, 1980.
Letter from Charlie Brooks Jr. to Keith Brooks, Dated August 12, 1980
This was a letter from Charlie Brooks Jr. to his son, Keith regarding a potential visit between the two. Charlie Brooks Jr. was explaining to Keith what he needed to do to request a visit, and how the visit would go if it was granted. Charlie also discusses his son’s maturity and how to handle prison mentally.
Photograph of Derrek Brooks in a Football Uniform This picture shows Derrek Brooks posing for a picture, which seems to be from a yearbook, in his football uniform.
Letter Envelope to addressed to Mr. Charles K. Brooks, from Mr. Charles Brooks Jr., Dated March 1, 1982. This resource is a letter sized envelope addressed to Mr. Charles K. Brooks. The only uncommon detail about this envelope is the PO box number of Mr. Charles K. Brooks that is circled in red pen. The letter is addressed in handwriting unlike another which is addressed in typewriter.
Letter Envelope to addressed to Mr. Charlie Brooks, from Mr. Charlie Brooks Jr., Dated November 16, 1981 This resource is a letter sized envelope addressed to Mr. Charlie Brooks. The only uncommon detail about this envelope is the PO box number of Mr. Charlie Brooks that is circled in red pen.
Star Telegram Article, “Execution Stay Refused for Killer”
This news article says that three judges ruled that Brooks had gotten a fair trial, opposing the accusations of Brooks’ attorney, Danny D. Burns. Burns also argued that he had an unfair legal procession because his lead defense attorney had a heart attack and was replaced with someone less familiar with the case. Burns claims that he does not think that Brooks will be the first person in Texas to be executed.
Letter From Charlie Brooks Jr. to Keith Brooks, Dated January 22, 1980
In this letter, Brooks is upset that his son hasn’t been writing to him as much and they have not had as much contact, so he requests that they visit each other. He warns his son not to expect anything from people and tells him that people won’t always do what he wants them to do. He then tells his son that Sherri is pregnant, but he hasn’t heard from her yet.
A Letter to Mr. Charlie Brooks Jr. from his Father, Dated February 28, 1982 This is a letter from Mr. Charles Brooks to his son in which he talks about his recent hearing, and we know that he is currently in the jail law library. In this letter, he talks about various trial procedures that he is going through, like testifying for effective assistance of the council.
Letter to Mr. Charlie Brooks Jr. from his Father, dated November 15, 1981 This document is a letter from Mr. Brooks to his son. The letter opens with Mr. Brooks describing to his son that he has been feeling ill due to the flu virus. He moves on to talk about how he had a visit from his daughter and Mr. Brooks’ Jr. sister and his niece “Sherri” (as he likes to call her). He mentions that the visit was short and he was happy to see them. He says that he does not have a lot to say in the letter, and says to take care.
Letter from Charlie Brooks Jr. to Adrian K. Brooks, Dated December 5, 1982
This a typewriter transcribed letter from Charlie Brooks Jr. to his son, Adrian K. Brooks. Charlie first asks forgiveness from his son for the attention he has brought on his family for his conviction, and goes on to explain how Islam has changed his life from a non-believer’s to someone dedicated to God. He hopes Adrian will have an understanding of God one day, and encourages Adrian to maintain correspondence with his brother, Derek, and to further his education. He closes with a plea for Adrian to take care of himself and his family.
Letter from Charlie Brooks Jr. to Charles Brooks, dated July 29, 1981 Letter from Charlie Brooks Jr. to Charles Brooks, dated July 29, 1981
Description: This is a handwritten letter from Charlie Brooks Jr. to his son, speaking about his efforts to guide a fellow prisoner onto the right path, stating that the man reminds him of his son. Charlie then tells Charles not to completely shut people out of his life, and encourages him to keep writing letters to his family even if they do not always answer. He then speaks about his own trial, and how he believes that though he has been found guilty he will not be executed, as he has yet to exhaust the appeals process. He has faith that justice will be done, but resigns himself to execution if it is in God’s plan.
Letter from Charlie Brooks, Jr. to Keith Brooks, Dated December 16, 1980 In this typed letter from Charlie Brooks to Charlie Brooks Jr. , he takes blame for the hardships his son faces. He also suggests selling cigarettes as a side job to help provide for his family.
Letter from Charlie Brooks, to Keith Brooks, Dated December 27, 1980 In this typed letter from Charlie Brooks to Charlie Brooks Jr., he apologizes for not being in Charlie Brooks Jr.’s life. The letter includes handwritten edits completed by Charlie Brooks with a green ink pen. He gives his son advice about his girlfriend, smoking and craft.
Mugshot of Charlie Brooks for Death Row
This black and white photograph shows Charlie Brooks holding a board that is half cut out in his mugshot for death row.
Letter from Charlie Brooks Jr. to Keith Brooks Dated July 12, 1981 Charlie advises Keith to keep in contact with his family and not become too isolated by sharing a story of when he found out Keith was first born. Charlie also informs him that the Supreme Court refuses to review his case again and updates him on his sister’s life.
Picture of Protesters Supporting Lethal Injection A picture of eight white protestors who are holding signs in support of lethal injection. The signs read “Kill ‘em in the vein, make it good” and “Justice finally prevails” with syringes on them.
Letter from Charlie Brooks Jr. to Keith Brooks Dated February 11, 1982 Charlie Brooks writes to his son Keith to thank him for presenting his case to his brother and to update him on life events. He suggests a radio station that focuses on Keith’s interest in black consciousness. He further asks Keith to keep in contact with his sister.
Letter from Charlie Brooks Jr. to Keith Brooks on December 13, 1980 This was another letter from Charlie Brooks Jr. to his son. In the letter, Brooks talked about not receiving a letter back from his son. He also talks about his Lawyer’s Assistant course and hopes to hear back from his son soon.
Inmate Request to Major Murdock from Charlie Brooks, Jr., Dated February 3, 1981 Charlie Brooks, Jr. wrote a request to arrange a visitation from his son Keith Brooks to Major Murdoch. The Major replied saying that Keith needs to put Charlie on his visiting list and other instructions Keith needs to do in order to visit Charlie Brooks, Jr.
Letter From Charlie Brooks Jr. to Keith Brooks, Dated June 18, 1981
Brooks discusses the possibility of his son’s parole being denied and tells him a story about his own parole from years ago. He says that his son is much more mature than he was and talks about the cycle of men being freed and going back to jail. He worries that some of their letters are getting lost in the mail and then asks his son about visiting him in the future.
Letter from Charlie Brooks Jr. to Keith Brooks Dated between October 2, 1981 - October 4, 1981 Charlie Brooks writes to Keith after having a surprise visit earlier that day. He recounts how great it is to see his son and to be able to update each other on life events. He later speaks about trying to get a court appeal. The envelope has an image of a bicycle.
Letter from Charlie Brooks Jr. to Keith Brooks on November 26, 1980 This was a letter from Charlie Brooks Jr. to his son, Keith. His father wrote to him about his life and his appreciation of Keith's schooling and job training. He discusses his goal of becoming a lawyer as well and talks about their communication between previous and future letters.
Postcard of Swift Meat Packing Plant, Fort Worth Photo of a meat packing plant, Swift Packing Co., in Fort Worth, TX. This is where Charlie Jr.’s father worked.
Letter from Charlie Brooks, Jr. to Keith Brooks, Dated February 6, 1981 In a typed letter on white paper Charlie Brooks, Jr. addresses his son, Keith Brooks. He tells Keith to not let criticism affect him. He also writes about their visitation problem and how they can fix it. He ends the letter with a message about God and how Keith needs to continue to study Allah.