Survey of a sub-divided tract of land along the Lehigh River and Hokendauqua Creek


Survey of a sub-divided tract of land along the Lehigh River and Hokendauqua Creek
Alternative Title
A draught of the 1800 Acres Tract situate on the West Branch of Dellaware River sold by William Allen to Mr. Rickey & Mr. Parsons divided afterwards in sundry small plantations
Georg Wenzeslaus Golkowsky
Survey of a 1800-acre tract of land along the west branch of the Delaware River (today, the Lehigh River) sold by William Allen to Alexander Rickey and William Parsons, with explanation of the further subdivision of the tract. Included are property owners whose lands encompass modern-day Kreidersville, Northampton, and Coplay.
Spatial Coverage
Lehigh County, Pennsylvania
Moravian Archives, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

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