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  • A clip of small waves crashing onto the shore.
  • An image of the ground found along the Delaware River, which includes rocks, sand, and glass pieces.
  • A photo of the Delaware River including ducks and the Free Bridge.
  • A sound recording of waves, cars, and birds that are heard standing alongside the Delaware River.
  • Photograph of the G.A.R. Plot in the Easton Cemetery. Also known as the Grand Army of the Republic Cannon. This is a designated area in the cemetery that includes the graves of many Civil war soldiers and veterans of other conflicts
  • Photograph of the Easton Cemetery Chapel
  • A map of Easton circa 1850, Includes names of landowners, street names, some topographical information.
  • Photograph of The Bruch Monument in Easton Cemetery. It's one of the largest and most expensive monument in the cemetery. It costs $20,000 in 1885 when it was first built. Dr. W.J.H. Bruch left instructions for a monument to be built for as a memorial and add beauty for the cemetery.
  • A pictorial coverage of the Flood Disaster by the Easton Express in the Lackawanna, Lehigh, Brodhead, Delaware, and Bushkill Valleys, including heretofore unpublished photographs
  • A newspaper article title "The New Market", explains changes in the Easton Farmer's Market located at the center square.
  • Newspaper article titled "George A. Gollub, Pa. state trooper, park benefactor"; contains the obituary for George Gollub, namesake of Gollub Park
  • A photo taken after the 1995 Hurricane Diane hit Easton and the damage it did on the Northampton Street "Free" Bridge
  • A photograph of the The Historic Easton Cemetery 7th Street Front Gate
  • Contains advertisements of local businesses located in Easton, Pennsylvania. Advertising grocery stores, candy stores, insurance companies, and much more.
  • A log of the river trip made by Robert W. de Forest, his wife, Louis Tiffany, Henry Hold , Walter Tuckerman and Miss Knox as they traveled up the Delaware on their boat the Molly Polly.
  • This is an image of one the first exclusive sellers at the "Circle Market", which is the farmer's market located in the center of Easton, PA.
  • The effects of hurricane Diane on the Delaware River and the bridges.
  • Newspaper article titled "Dorothy S. Gollub, 64, education, civic leader"; contains the obituary or Dorothy Gollub, wife of George Gollub, namesake of Gollub Park
  • The effects of Hurricane Diane on the Delaware River and the bridges.
  • This is a black and white photo of cows at a cattle farm in Warren County New Jersey during the 1900's that were transported to a fair for the amusement of the consumers.
  • A drawing of the view north of the bridge in Easton on the Delaware River depicting a road, homes, and interaction with the river.
  • This black and white image depicts the Bethlehem Steel Corporation in Bethlehem, PA five years prior to the closing of the plant on November 18, 1995. It is taken from the West from the Minsi Trail Bridge and specifically shows the engine, powerhouse, and steel mill processing plant. Power lines stretch across the foreground of the photograph.
  • Newspaper article titled "Forks dedicates new park; dispute over access remains"; about the dedication of the township's newest recreational space, named after the donor of the land, George Gollub