History 238: Global Stimulants

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  • Brooke Bond Tea advertisement depicting two colorful birds against a bright color scheme. The advertisement shows an illustration of the tea box. Brooke Bond tea is a British company which sells tea mostly in India.
  • Advertisement for Lipton’s tea, showing a tea pot pouring tea into cups.
  • Lipton's Tea Advertisement which shows a woman with dark skin in a tea planting field reaches over to serve a white woman. The image is cordial and shows the women happily interacting. In the background are more Indian women picking tea in the field.
  • This image shows the founder of Omanhene chocolate company, Stephen Wallace, sitting at a table with 8 cups of cocoa representing each stage of its production. The final product, an unwrapped chocolate bar, is at the end of the line.
  • This is a gray scale photograph of a farmer, wrapped in cloth, sectioning off parts of the dirt with a stick. In the background, there is a farm animal grazing as well as fences and large trees.
  • These two images are black-and-white photographs of the profiles of two cocoa laborers, with blurred backgrounds. The first image is of a migrant worker from the North, and the second image is of a local forest farmer.
  • Photograph of a thorn carving on a plywood base with three figures representing men moving a two-wheeled cart filled with five bags of cocoa beans. These types of miniature thorn carvings that depict scenes from Nigerian life are made from soft Ata tree and Egun tree wood and glued together with paste made from cooked rice.
  • Newspaper article from Accra, Ghana, in which the writer is summarizing the ideas discussed at a farmer's association meeting. It also encourages other farmers to create associations in their towns to advocate for workers' rights.
  • This source is a pamphlet created and sponsored by the Tea Market Expansion Bureau. It was created in 1937 and is about how to predict your future using tea.
  • This pamphlet was created by Chase and Sanborn Tea and Coffee. It contains several pages of illustrations about the different butterflies in America as a marketing tactic to sell their coffee and tea.
  • This is a general tea advertisement selling iced tea. The tagline reads “[h]ow to get him out from ‘under pressure,’” with a black and white picture of a man’s eyes underneath. To the right side, there is a large picture of a pitcher of iced tea complete with tea leaves and lemon, and the whole advertisement is against a blue background.
  • This source is a magazine advertisement from the 1950s and showcases a woman and man sharing a glass of iced tea. The woman and the rest of the ad talks about the cooling sensation of the tea.
  • This is an iced tea advertisement. The tagline reads “Tea Peps You Up!” and features three panels of people talking to each other about how drinking iced tea helps keep up their “pep.” There is a conversation between two men in the first panel, then a conversation between a man and women in the remaining two panels, all of which center around the idea of tea increasing “pep.”
  • This is a cover for the Saturday Evening Post depicting a woman holding a cup of tea and a sandwich. She is most likely a nurse given her outfit of a grey dress and white cap, and given the time period she is most likely a WWI nurse serving an injured male patient.
  • Photograph of a farmer in Kumasi, Ghana (in the background) using a farming tool to cut down cocoa pods (in the foreground) from a tree.
  • This magazine cover is in an art deco style and shows a feminine woman drinking a cup of tea. She is wearing a lot of make up and the color scheme is mostly shades of magenta and brown that contrasts the orange tea.
  • This is an advertisement for Argentine chocolate brand Aguila. It celebrates their chocolate winning a grand prize in Spain. This image displays three different sizes of chocolate bars, identifying the two larger ones as "new types."
  • This image is a magazine advertisement that displays the "tea making" process and the consumers drinking the tea.
  • This photograph depicts "Coolie Women Bringing in Tea Leaf to be Weighed," standing in a line, in front of the tea estate.
  • This is an advertisement for Aguila chocolate that has a box of chocolates with instructions for preparing the chocolate with milk in the center. The primary text in the advertisement translates as "Aguila chocolate with milk is unanimously recognized as very superior to any similar European [product]."
  • Woman on the phone standing behind an open door, ordering yerba mate from Yerba Asuncion. The container of mate that she is ordering is featured below the main image as well as a short description.
  • This advertisement for Salus brand yerba mate links the product with the "criolla" or local culture and national identity of Argentina.
  • This is an advertisement for orange pekoe and pekoe White House Tea, found in the promotional book “The Story of the White House… and its Home Life.” The book goes through each presidential administration and discusses each family's home life, with advertisements placed in the beginning and the end.
  • A colored map indicating where various sources can be found throughout Africa. Cocoa, which is typed in red print, is located in several coastal colonies in West Africa.