R-1836: Basalt and R-1834: Plagioclase rich Scoria


R-1836: Basalt and R-1834: Plagioclase rich Scoria
Basalt Macroscopically: A black aphanitic rock.
Scoria Macroscopically: A cellular lava that varies in color from reddish brown to brownish black. Tiny glass crystals of feldspar can be seen with a lens in some specimen.
Scoria Microscopically: A highly vesicular rock with calcic plagioclase phenocrysts set abundantly and diversely in a brown hypohyaline matrix. The phenocrysts contain glass blebs, some crystallographically oriented. Compositional zoning is present, and in some a rim may be free of glass inclusions. The matrix contains plagioclase microlites(many also zoned), dark red-brown essentially opaque glass, with local patches of formless devitrified material.
Wards Collection
John Onorati
Lafayette College Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences
Tamara Carley (carleyt@lafayette.edu)

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