RR-15 Diabase and RR-7


RR-15 Diabase and RR-7
Hand Sample-
Dark Gray Diabase
Phaneritic with tan grains possibly augite

RR7- base of waterfall, in metamorphosed section from when diabase sheet was intruded and contact metamorphosed preexisting rock. Sample taken from about 15 yards from contact and chosen because it was a hard, solid rock next to a more crumbly rock that was less metamorphosed and probably different than at other areas of metamorphosed rock around it. (40.5623N/75.1261W)
RR-15- Chosen from far end of boulder field from entrance. I wanted a rock far away from where everyone else was collecting them. (40.5632N/75.12999W)

Thin Section:
Interstitial plagioclase among grains of augite -- notable amphiboles, pyroxenes--possibly some biotite and olivine if it has not been weathered away.

Series of 3 microscope slide photos (PPL and XPL), show grain coarsening upward away from igneous/metamorphic contact to boulder field. Left photo is RR-6 (Will DeBarba), diabase from right next to the igneous-metamorphic contact, showing small grain size and considerable feldspar microlites. Middle photo is RR-5 (Emma Sosa), diabase from 30 feet into the sill from the contact, showing a larger grain size of similar minerals and less interstitial plagioclase due to other crystals taking up the space. The right photo is RR-15 (John Onorati), diabase from the ringing rocks boulder field, approximately .22 miles from the contact (google earth), and showing a much larger grain size compared to the other two samples--as well as a larger variety of minerals.
John Onorati
Ryan Sanders and Devon Leech
RR-15 + RR-7
Dr. Tamara Carley (carleyt@lafayette.edu)
Rights Holder
Lafayette College Department of Geology and Environmental Geosciences

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