2015-CTP-3 Garnet-Biotite Gneiss


2015-CTP-3 Garnet-Biotite Gneiss
Hand Sample: Coarse, idiobastic garnet and biotite grains with coarse xenoblastic plagioclase and quartz crystals. Foliation is visible with the alignment of the biotite crystals, and gneissic banding is present between the quartz and plagioclase crystals.Thin Section: Coarse xenoblastic grains of plagioclase and quartz present, with idioblastic, poikiloblastic garnets with plagioclase and biotite inclusions.  There are some foliated biotite crystals, but the foliation is only easily seen in in hand sample.  There are some small perthite crystals inbetween the larger crystals.  
William DeBarba
Tamara Carley (carleyt@lafayette.edu)

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