Advertisement: Duraglas
A woman pours a cup of coffee while a man kisses her on the cheek. In the foreground, a woman's hand is closing the top on an airtight coffee container.
Advertisement: BORDEN'S
Above a block of text, there is a humanistic male cow yelling at a female cow while he holds an overflowing mug. In the background is a young boy cow using a razor.
| Sainsbury's Ad | Christmas 2014
The famous 2014 Sainsbury ad depicts British and German soldiers laying down their weapons to celebrate Christmas in 1914. The advertisement poignantly captures soldiers singing “Silent Night'' in both languages, playing a soccer match, and concludes with the ad’s featured characters exchanging gifts of chocolate.
[Advertisement Featuring Gaucho Drinking Mate]
An advertisement with a gaucho drinking mate and an image of a rural landscape.
Advertisement: Everybody Knows the Sign of Good Coffee
In this advertisement, a woman sitting in an armchair and a man holding a coffee mug and pot make eye contact while a child's birthday party goes on in the background.
Coffee Sets You Right!
Advertisement: What Every Young Girl Should Know
An older woman scoops coffee grinds into a pot while her granddaughter watches.
[Advertisement Featuring Gaucho Drinking Mate and Children Climbing Tree]
An advertisement that features a gaucho drinking mate and two children climbing a tree.
[Wall of Tai-An Tea Room]
Photograph of the interior east wall of Tai-An tea room, in Myokian Temple, attributed to Sen no Rikyū circa 1582, Kyoto Prefecture, Japan
El asado es imprescindible en un picnic criollo
A photograph of a multi-generational group enjoying an outdoor asado (barbecue) outside, likely at the beach. One man serves a mate; another woman drinks it.
Advertisement: Good Things Happen Over Coffee . . .
A young girl leaves out a cup of coffee by the fireplace with a note saying, 'For Santa."
Hemos dado en el blanco
An advertisement showing an indigenous person holding a bow and arrow.
Salus es la yerba de la patria
An advertisement that shows a map of Argentina, a box of Salus mate, and a bombilla.
Gaggia Gilda Machine ad
An ad for the Gilda machine which is an at-home Espresso Machine
Advertisement: It Makes "Early Morning Angels"
In this advertisement, a young girl serves coffee to her father sitting in bed, while a young boy plays in the background.
Millions Drink it Daily
Advertisement that points out the power of Lipton’s tea in Britain. This image actually show a facsimile of the cheque paid by Lipton for the tea trade.
Guayakí: Exuberant
An advertisement meant to show how good yerba can make you feel.
La antigüedad de los yerbales
An advertisement that displays yerba plantations, calling them ancient.
Lampo Espresso Design
A drawing of the design of the lampo Espresso machine
Advertisement: COFFEE
Three pictures show a cup of iced coffee, a thermos of coffee next to a lunch box, and a mug of hot coffee. Each image has text accompanying.
Guayakí: Enlightened
An Guayakí yerba mate ad meant to show the positive effects of the drink on the mind.
Advertisement: Everybody Knows the Sign of Good Coffee
An advertisement features a woman holding a pot of coffee and calling her husband to drink the coffee.
Ojalá que sea la hoja
An advertisement that shows an indigenous man handing a Spanish colonizer a mate.
Advertisement: Caffein
Pictured throughout the page is a woman in conversation with her "war conscience" who is seen with a halo above her head. Throughout is the text of their exchanging conversation.
Guayakí Yerba Maté Organic Energy Drink
A short description of the yerba mate drink and a few reviews by women.