Early Communal Rituals

Indigenous family drinking Mate

Drinking Yerba Mate has always been an extraordinarily communal activity, but it’s not just a friendly gesture. There are a set of unspoken rules that one must be aware of when drinking in a group. During the entire ceremony, only one bombilla (straw) will be used. The “Cebador” is the master of the ritual, the one who prepares the Mate as well as serves it. In a group such as the one in the image above, it is small enough that the Mate would usually be passed around on the right hand side. It is imperative that whoever takes a drink from the bombilla must not move or adjust the position of it. This is because by moving the straw, you are telling the Cebador that he did not prepare the Mate to your liking, and might take offense. If the group is large, then passing it to the person seated directly opposite of you is more appropriate, and further emphasizes the communal aspect. 

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